We witness a miracle each time a child enters a life
But those who must make their journey home across time and miles,
Growing in the hearts of those waiting to love them,
Are carried on the wings of destiny
And placed among us by God's own hands.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

What Now?

Now that we have our referral, "What now?" you ask.  Well, we wait some more!  We are currently at the end of having our homestudy update completed.  Our approval through Immigration (USCIS) expires on 1/9/11 and in order to extend our approval we have to submit an updated homestudy.  This approval is needed at the end of the process in order to get our son a VISA so we can bring him home. 

We are also waiting to hear his file has been submitted to the court and shortly thereafter we will be given a court date.  Hopefully we will learn of our court date sometime before Christmas.  It is at this court date that Troy and I will have to go over to Ethiopia to appear before the judge.  It is also on this trip we will get to meet and finally hold our son!  We were told this date would most likely be in January sometime.  If we pass court he will officially be OUR son.  If we do not they will set another date, hopefully have everything they need for that one, and will review our case again.  We do not have to appear for that court date.  Let's keep our fingers crossed that we pass the first time!!

We have been getting some great photos of our little guy from families that are also with our agency that have recently been there for their court dates.  I am not able to publically post his picture until he is officially ours but trust me,  he is CUTE!  Some of the feedback I've gotten about him say he is a "sweetie" and "good-natured."  Hopefully we will get to find out for ourselves sooner than later!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Wait Is Over!!

I am pleased to announce that we have officially accepted the referral of a GORGEOUS four month old BABY BOY!!   We got the call on Thursday November 4 at 12:40pm.  We had received a call only three days earlier regarding an 18 month old girl but due to some medical issues we had to decline.  We never expected another call so soon!  The call went something like this:

     Me:  "Hello."  (Understand I saw on my phone who was calling)
     Merrily:  " Hello, Kim?  This is Merrily from AAI.  How are  you?"
     Me:  "Good, I think.  How are you?"
     Merrily:  "Good.  I never expected to be calling you again
        this soon but here I am!  Do you have time to talk?"
     Me:  "Of course."  (My voice shaking)
     Merrily:  "Would you like to talk about a little boy?"
     Me:  "OF COURSE!!"

She then went on to give the details of his reason for coming into care, his health status, development, and the results of several lab tests.  She then said she would e-mail me his information and a picture.  The worst part was Troy and I were 20 minutes from home at a meeting!!  Let me tell you, I don't think I heard a word that was said the rest of the meeting and the ride home seemed more like two hours!!  When we got home I of course ran right over to the computer and pulled up the e-mail.  With Troy standing behind me, I went right for the picture.  When it came up I think we were both speechless!  He is beautiful!!  Big brown eyes, a bald head, a tiny button nose, and a HUGE smile on his face :)  This child just oozes personality!!  Unfortunately, I am not allowed to post any pictures of him until we pass court and he is officially ours.  I,  however, have given you a sneak peek below.

We ask of our family and friends that you keep this little boy in your prayers as he will not be truly "safe" until we bring him home.  He is in our agencies excellent care center but he is still in a third world country and these babies often get sick, ie. pneumonia, flu, chicken pox, and the medical care is not what we come to expect here.  We believe God led us to this little one and he will make sure he comes home safe and sound!

His Hands