Here I am, up early on a Saturday because I couldn't fall back asleep. Sleep has been a sneaky thing lately, avoiding me at all costs. Need I explain why.
In case there are those of you who don't know yet, we still have not cleared embassy. It has been over eight weeks now. The letter that we hoped would clear us describing the orphanages' futile attempts to run the ad was responded to by the embassy with; "An ad needs to be run looking for the mother." Really?? REALLY?? I believe the letter stated the impossiblity of doing such a thing!! They stated that if an ad was placed for two weeks they could then process our case. Don't they think that if this had been possible it would have been done many weeks ago? GGGGRRRRRR!
I wrote a letter to the embassy questioning how one could go about running an ad if the police would not give permission to do it. They responded the next day and did provide a few suggestions which I passed on to our agency. Earlier this week we were told from our agencies attorney that they were reformatting the ad and going to attempt to run it in a private paper. Yesterday we were notified that the ad was going to be posted this Sunday. FINALLY!! I guess there really is more than one way to skin a cat!
Interestingly enough, we received an email from the embassy yesterday in regards to a letter submitted by our agency that we knew nothing of. It was a request for more information about the woman who brought Amanuel to the orphanage originally and her attempts to locate the mother in another region of Ethiopia. Apparently she traveled to this other region looking for his birth mother. How awesome! This is the same woman the embassy interviewed a while back. We do not know if this woman is a relative or just a family friend but my hopes since we learned of her have been to possibly meet her when I go to pick up our son. She may be the only connection we have to his birth mother and a source of information that Amanuel may want to learn about someday. Things such as how old his mother was when he was born, her personality, her life, details of his birth, etc. After learning of her assistance with our case I am hopeful she will be willing to meet me.
Today marks FIVE months since we have seen our son. I never thought he wouldn't have been home by now. The thought of it back in April probably would have killed me. How I continue to function amazes me. Don't get me wrong, there have been days that I just don't function, but having two busy kids at home keeps me going. I have mentioned to others that most times I feel numb when it comes to this process. Numb to disappointment. Lord knows we have had a lot of it. Maybe that is what is keeping me sane, the not feeling anything. I often wonder how I will react to the words "Case Cleared." Will I cry? scream? sit in my numbness and disbelief? I guess that remains to be seen . . .
"The task ahead of you is never as great as the Power behind you."
It's been a LONG while
2 years ago